# G O– F U R T H E R C O R P O R A T E C O N D U C T Corporate conduct – our results in detail Value creation In 2023, ASSMANN generated sales of 150 million euros, thus recording a slight increase in sales compared to the previous year (+1.6 per cent). Value creation and the equity ratio were at a comparable level to 2022. At 7.7 million euros, the investment sum has increased significantly due to the construction of a logistics centre at the Melle-Westerhausen site, but the equity ratio is still at a high level of over 75 per cent. In 2023, ASSMANN received small amounts of gov- ernment grants, such as those for climate efficiency projects. many’s General Act on Equal Treatment (AGG). There were no known cases of discrimination at ASSMANN during the reporting period. Our association work is carried out exclusively on a profes- sional and industry-specific level. We neither engage in po- litical lobbying nor do we make donations to political parties or politicians. To date, we have not faced any legal action for anti-competitive behaviour. Our supplier network is limited to companies that, like us, act in accordance with OECD standards and guidelines. Social responsibility as a way of life As a socially responsible company, we are involved in a large number of social projects and initiatives in our region. For example, we work together with Ledder Werkstätten, a charitable organisation that integrates people with physical, mental or psychological disabilities into a working and living environment worth living in. Their employees primarily assist us with light packaging work. We do not pursue any business activities that risk violating human rights or freedom of assembly. In accordance with our sustainability mission statement, we reject all forms of corruption. To date, ASSMANN has not been investigated in any cases of corruption. In order to continue to ensure legal compliance, we will be working on anti-corruption guidelines and a concept for risk identification and training in the future. We support other charitable associations and research in- stitutions at both local and national level with financial and in-kind contributions, including the state-recognised work- shops for the blind (Blindenwerkstätten), the Oldendorf par- ish, the German Red Cross, various foundations, and the Melle University of Cooperative Education (Berufsakademie Melle). There is also a special focus on the sport of football. We not only have an active works football team that always donates its prize money to charitable causes, but are also involved as a sponsor and partner of several local football clubs: TSV Westerhausen, SC Melle 03 and VfL Osnabrück. The fulfilment of social and thus sustainable responsibility is just as much our mission here as it is in our commitment to the TERRA WORTMANN OPEN, which takes place in Halle (Westphalia). ASSMANN compliance In our dealings with our employees and suppliers, we are committed to fundamental and human rights as codified in the German Constitution (Grundgesetz), the Treaty on Euro- pean Union and the United Nations Charter, as well as to the ILO core labour standards. We strictly reject discrimination on the grounds of origin, gender, religion, disability, age or sexual identity, as well as discrimination that violates Ger- When preparing our product information and advertising our products, we observe all applicable laws in Germany and the European Union – this is an integral part of ASSMANN's sustainability mission statement and corporate policy. As our products are used in a wide variety of companies and institutions, confidentiality is our top priority. By engaging an external Data Protection Officer, who is also consulted when procuring new software for processing personal data, ASSMANN's corporate organisation is geared towards pro- tecting customer data from loss and misuse. To date, we have not received any complaints regarding breaches or losses of customer data. In an annual Legal Compliance Audit, an external consult- ant works with the Sustainability Manager to check whether environmental and occupational health and safety laws and regulations are being complied with. A database of all the legal regulations is regularly updated and compared with the company's circumstances to check for applicability. Devia- tions are systematically recorded, evaluated and corrected if necessary. The company’s participation in the ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 management systems ensures that these processes are audited and validated again by author- ised external experts. During the reporting period, no fines or non-monetary penalties were imposed on ASSMANN in 34